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Writer's picturemaddie slager


Hey everyone!! I decided to do a q&a so that you guys could ask anything you wanted to know about me! I thought it would be simple and fun! So, I posted on a couple social media platforms a couple different times and this is what you guys came up with! We're gonna start light and get to the deeper stuff towards the end! I hope you enjoy! :))

Question 1: What's your favorite color?

Blue or yellow! Only like sunflower yellow though. (You will learn that I am very indecisive, I can't even choose a color...)

Question 2: Would you prefer to like in the city or the country?

COUNTRY for sure! I love animals, natures beauty, and the drives to get places!

Question 3: What is your favorite article of clothing?

Jeans and Sweatshirts. My mom likes to talk about how many sweatshirts I own.. it's a bit excessive but I have no regrets... lol!

Question 4: What is your most used emoji?

The "laughing" emoji is definitely always at the top of my frequently used, which makes sense because I am always laughing.

Question 5: Favorite movie of all time? And why?

UP is my all time favorite movie. Why you ask? I just think it is SO cute! Dug kills me, Russell is my absolute favorite, and Carl makes me giggle. Fun fact, I waited at least an hour and a half to take a picture with Russell in Disney Land and my sister and mom were difintely annoyed, lol! I was also Russell for halloween!

Question 6: What is your favorite day of the week?

Tuesdays, because they're just a chill day!

Question 7: How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Fun fact, I've never kissed anyone! I used to be embarrassed about it, but I'm not anymore! And if you are you shouldn't be either! It's a lot more common than you think! Who you've kissed or how many people you've kissed doesn't define you at all!

Question 8: When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was a kid I wanted to be Hannah Montana. Then it was a teacher. Then a doctor. Then a youth pastor. Then a stay at home mom. Then a teacher again. Then I decided it was going to be something medical for sure! Then I went to a firefighting camp and fell in love with it!

Question 9: How many kids do you want?

I want 4 kids! I've alway loved kids and the chaos that comes with a room full of kids! I think it is so so fun! I have also always wanted to have a big family! Also, I don't want there to be a middle child and 2 kids isn't enough!! Wish me luck, lol! I also feel the Lord has put it on my heart to foster and maybe even adopt!

Question 10: If you could spend the next year of your life do anything you wanted, what would you do?

I would travel to every Disney Land/World throughout the globe with Emma!!

Question 11: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I will be 28 so, I will be way finished with school, hopefully have a job with a fire department or hospital. I would love to be married and maybe even have a kid or two! BUT, I am okay with whatever God's plan and timing is. I want to be strong in my faith, confident, and happy wherever I am!

Question 12: Where do you want to live when you're older?

I want to live on a piece of property near where I live now. All my family and my people are here and I don't want to leave because of that! Unless my family moves, and then just wherever they are!

Question 13: How do you always put a smile on your face?

Honeslty, I think it is just part of my personality and this point! I've always been a fun and giggly person! But, there have been times where I'm not myslef and I had to fake a smile. How did I do that? Well, one day I read that even a fake smile makes you happier just because of the science behind it, you kind of trick your brain. Along with that I knew that if I smiled it would help others and helping others made me happier!

Question 14: What is one thing you want to teach your kids?

Who Jesus is and what he has done for me!

Question 15: What's your biggest regret?

Allowing people who's opinions don't matter at all effect me so much. I was always and still am a poeple pleaser and when people treated me badly or called me names I took it personally. I let it define me for so long and lost myself. I gave the power to people who did't deserve it!

Question 16: What kept you from talking about what you were dealing with?

Honestly I didn't want to answer this question. My cousin asked this one and after the question she said "you have an army behind you." There's a few things that play into it honestly. I didn't want to be seen as weak, I didn't want to get a "it will get better" or a "well this person is dealing with and it's way worse" response, I didn't know how to, I knew there were bigger things to deal with, and I didn't want anyone to look at me differently.


Thank you for stopping by and reading! I appreciate every single one of you!!

Love you all! Love Maddie!

Peace out.

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